Sunday 6 July 2014

Day 12b - the Uganda Cup

The Texan soccer group have arranged a tournament for BKU and a couple of other children's homes.  Kevin needs to make several trips with the van to transport our 5 teams and all supporters the 15 minute drive to Jeven High School, which has a large flat field.  Check out the website:

Rich hands out jerseys while Richard looks on

Victoria organizes a team to pose for pictures

Maggie, Mike, Doug & Rich pose with the pink team

the All Blacks go undefeated today

Jeffrey leads practice for the black team
practice is serious work

I said serious, orange team!

Most players are barefoot, but the pace and intensity of play is rivaled only by that of cheerleaders Jackie, Richard & Maggie.

Kevin shouts encouragement

"What do you mean that goal doesn't count?"

 Maggie lends encouragement
Everyone has a grand time and the only injury appears to be one inflicted on Victoria by a caterpillar.  The type of critter that landed on her neck causes an unpleasant burning sensation relieved only after Rose applies medicated cream back at the clinic.

don't scratch the owie, Victoria!

lining up for snacks after the games

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