Pics Jan/15

A passel of extra images.  Uploading them all to the blog pages would make those too slow to load.

Nile rapids above Murchison falls

awaiting restoration

family charcoal business

Rhino bait

neighbourhood child

Medi's school

opening soon for business

Maggie helps straighten up the little ones' dorm (soon to be vacated)

wild fun on the swing


Carlie with one of the new pups

Milk for 96 kids - you must be kidding!

A neighbourhood guy

Esther being motherly

Dance moves

Brenda with Praise

Richard helps Jovan with guitar chords

Dance show

Auntie and the little ones will soon move in to new digs

Rose at her residence

Kampala street scene

overlooking the chaotic taxi depot in Kampala

shoe vender

Carly gets no help from Richard carting the new printer to the van

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