Sunday 21 January 2018


Saturday morning we order rolex's for breakfast but decide they're not quite as tasty as the roadside version.  Perhaps having them wrapped in Saran steams them a bit to improve the taste.  We have a long chat with Harry before he leaves to journey the 2 or more hours home by boda and mutatu.
chilling at the internet cafe

Harry:  Carly's favourite dirty old man

Susan and Alan march back to the dorm while the other two spend some quiet time reading for pleasure at BV.  Susan hears the sound of happy yells and screams as she approaches the gate.  When Susan peers over, she shocks little Praise who is just on the other side and looking up at that moment.  Praise runs off screaming in fright while the other kids throng at the gates to greet the Canadians.

Daniel shows off his photo from Alicia

distributing snacks

Obama watches with great interest

We meet Michael, but only discover later that he is Justine's sibling

Baby Praise is growing

Fortunately there are about thirty kids at home.  Obama grabs the GoPro, and the kids take turns running around with the selfie stick before the matron takes it and starts interviewing some of the older kids and having them sing for the camera audience.  The new soccer ball which Scott and Carly delivered yesterday is already showing signs of wear, but is still functional as the kids split up into teams and entertain their visitors with a lively match.  Little Praise quickly recovers from her fright once the cookies are passed out, but later on she is found crying in a corner and comes to Alan for some hugs and comfort.

Douglas and Jovan

Sanyu is sponsored by Susan

a new girl with Ida and Rebecca

latest in the series of Jovan hat photos

Jovan & Daniel

the cook looks on and patiently awaits her treat

Little baby Hope is rather warm and lethargic.  The matron tells us she was assessed by Rose and has been started on some medication.  Daniel is thrilled to get the photos which Alicia has sent along for him, and he has Alan record a short video for Alicia.

Dizan is brother to Douglas



Praise is trouble

Baby Joanne snuggles Teddy

Returning to BV, our group congregates poolside to debrief and do some serious blogging work, including photo editing.  A nice lunch of sliced fruit is consumed, then we are thrilled to be joined by Simon.  He is a former BKU driver with whom Carly has kept in touch over the years.  Simon is now married and has a baby, living outside Kampala.  He is employed as a driver by an Indian construction firm.  This involves long hours and a great deal of time away from home: - not the best situation for a young Dad.   Micah joins us later in the afternoon.

Scott, Simon & Susan wait while Carly negotiates price of our rides with the boda driver

we zip by the BKU clinic and Princess Diana nursery school

traversing Kabona

We arrange to meet Rose at Ssebutende, the pork joint a short distance beyond Kabona which we experienced during our last visit.  We hungrily view the skewers of pork roasting over the open fire, and enjoy a few cold ones under the crescent moon.  The food is just as tasty as we recall, and we're amazed at the two large lounge rooms behind the main building, which are thronged with people.
disembarking outside Ssebutende restaurant

this is where the magic happens

ever the compliant Canadians, we obey the signs

The boda ride back to BV is uneventful, and we share a nightcap on Carly & Scott's porch while solving a few of the world's problems.

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