Monday 15 January 2018

Herbs and spices

We have planned to host a party for the Bright Kids today.  We thought it would be a special treat to order KFC from the shop in Victoria Mall, allowing the BKU cooks a chance to attend church and have an afternoon off. 

We’re thrilled to reconnect with Davis, the driver we met several years ago.  At Victoria Mall we are able to exchange some money, purchase sunscreen, and pick up the chicken dinners and sodas which Victoria had ordered in advance.  On the way back we stop at the Coinworth supermarket to pick up water, some beer and liquor for ourselves, as well as sandals for Alan and ice cream for the kids.

Feast in a trunk

Abraham with Micah

Victoria pops the ice cream into her freezer when we arrive, and the children and staff all sit around the compound then form an orderly line to pick up their food.  We are overjoyed to reconnect with all the children we love, including Sonyu, Arnold, Don, Obama, Sandra, Rebecca, Justine, Wasswa, and, of course, Moses.  Moses is absolutely overjoyed to see Carly and the rest of us, and cannot stop smiling throughout the remainder of the day.

Scotty is at home very quickly

Arnold and a smiling Jemima

Sue with Jovan

Sandra looking serious

The children sing us a few songs, then are divided into teams for a lively football match, which has everyone shouting and cheering.  The enthusiastic spectators are more fun to watch than the young players.  It is a great deal of fun.

Maggie & Rose with Rose's daughter, Angel

the mighty orange team

the stylish blue squad

In the later afternoon we are glad for a refreshing swim at Banana Village, and are very excited when Jackie joins us.  Micah is a social work intern from Saskatoon who is doing a 3 or 4 month placement at BKU, and we are happy to have him join us and share stories about his experiences.  He seems glad for our insight, and particularly Carly’s suggestions.

Pizza dinner and beverages alongside a campfire completes the evening. 

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