Tuesday 24 January 2017

Making a Splash

Prior to our trip to Uganda we had arranged for all of the Kulikayo Kids to join us at Joggies for a swimming party. Since the kids are not due to arrive until 1, we take the opportunity of our first free morning of the trip to collaborate on the blog over breakfast in an attempt to catch up.
The first of the children arrive at 1:30 in Jackie's Toyota hatchback, 8 of them to be exact.  Next come Sandra and Marjorie, and lastly Brenda and Jackson at 2:30 who have been traveling on public transit since 10 am.
gathering in the garden

Hasifah, Carly & Shatura

Charlotte is fascinated by Dan's GoPro

sisters in  matching dresses - Charlotte & Shatura

We are lucky that there is a wedding going on at the resort as it provides us with music to add to the party atmosphere.
Joggies is a popular venue fo weddings

Before we eat, we kick around the soccer ball and drink sodas while the kids play with our cameras.  We take advantage of the opportunity to visit with the kids while they are relaxed and learn as much about them as we can. Jackie surprises us with a special treat of fresh sugarcane and we laugh as the juice dribbles down our faces.

Sarah, Carly, Hasifah & Brenda

Carly speaks with Hasifah while Brenda looks on

preparing the table

Lunch is "chicken chips" (fried chicken and french fries) for 19 by the pool.  Jackson, being the oldest, says Grace but is so shy we can hardly hear it. We appreciate the gesture none the less.

a joyful celebration

celebration cakes


cake cutting is a team effort

Scott & Carly all smiles

After lunch comes swimming, with Moses Kabanda the first to jump in the pool. Abe has never swam before (which we didn't know) but after a 5 second panic is in his glory.  We all have a blast splashing each other and playing with the inner tubes.  Some of the wedding guests come over to take our photos which we find quite amusing and don't mind striking a pose.

Shatura & Carly enjoy some splashing


Brenda & Sarah exit for a moment


Once we're all dried off we cut the cake and pass it around.  It is getting late and many of the children have a long journey home so we start preparing for our goodbyes. 

We hand out the towels, one per family, and find it difficult when the siblings ask us for their own. Unfortunately at this time, since we have bought out all the towels at the nearest shop, there is nothing we can do.

We say our tearful goodbyes not knowing when we will see each other again, but having faith that we will be in each others thoughts and have, and will continue to, make a positive impact on one another.
We make our way down to our "party room",  the small tables and chairs we've pulled out of our huts and joined in the driveways. We sit with a cold drink and discuss the day's highlights and read the letters delivered to us by the kids. 
After our amazing chicken lollipop dinner, we head to bed early, exhausted from the day.  We know we have to pack up (as it's our last night at Joggies) and we have another full day ahead.

Sula Bulungi - good night.

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