Thursday 21 February 2013

Butterflies & our "Oscar" thank-you list

The day before our departure and I'm up an hour before the alarm, my head buzzing with excitement and anxiety about "what are we forgetting" - lol!

My partner, Susan, is tremendously organized and always ahead of the game, so our suitcases have been pretty much packed for the past week.  Alicia & I are each taking 1 suitcase of clothes & personal travel articles, and 1 suitcase of supplies for BKU.  I'm still tinkering with the photography "bits & pieces", but I'm quite confident we are not omitting anything vital.  My orders from Amazon just arrived this week (last minute Joe) with copies of the "Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine" and "Where There is no Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook".  Hopefully these plus internet resources keep me properly informed.

We start our Malarone (malaria meds) tonight.

Sue's anticipating the Academy awards Sunday so, with that in mind, I will make a short "thank-you" speech although I'm sure I'll have forgotten someone.
Susan - for the inspiration, support, and organization without which this trip would not have happened.
Karen & Monica at Kawartha Drapery, who donated courier services to send our boxes of supplies to the shipping company in Boston.  We hope the supplies arrive while we are at BKU!
Anne at the Peterborough Community Care Access Centre, and the staff at the Lindsay & Whitby centres who responded to our request to gather medical supplies for donation.
Heather (office manager) and Dr. Sarel Vorster who allowed us to raid the medication sample cupboard for supplies.
Dr. Sami Ullah and Lois, his office manager, who donated toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Rachel, our sister-in-law, who donated arts & craft supplies for BKU.
The staff & colleagues at work who will need to hold down the fort(s) in my absence.
Candy & John, our neighbours who donated lots of school supplies and will manage logistics while we are out of country.
Denise, our neighbour and Ross Memorial Hospital admin. assistant for quickly gathering information and suggestions on sourcing medical supplies.
Kristen, an American BKU volunteer and board member for the foundation, for all your helpful advice, reassurance and infectious enthusiasm!
Finally, Victoria, the founder of BKU, for allowing us to be your guests for the next 15 days.

Girding myself for 24 hours of airplane & airport time.



  1. I look forward to read all about your adventures and keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers as you experience the trip of a lifetime!!!!

  2. Les and I are looking forward to following you and Alicia.We hope you guys have a great time.
