Sunday 17 March 2013


The trip back to Canada is long but uneventful. It is strange being immersed in a multicultural society so suddenly, with in-flight movies and €3.50 Starbucks coffees purchased with a credit card.

The experience of the past two weeks seems already mystical and other worldly. How quickly will this amazing time fade into the pale pastel shades of memory? I know I can never forget the wonderful people I have met and the visceral stimulus of Uganda. I know too that I will want badly to return and greet the older versions of the children that Alicia and I have come to know and love.

Supplies needed would include children's clothing, durable toys, craft items, vitamins, medications and probably more soccer balls.

Alicia now has just two days remaining before she will tackle the long journey home.  I have sent her detailed instructions about airport terminal transfers and negotiating Canadian immigration and customs.  She is resourceful, so I am confident she will manage well.  She hasn't been wanting to spend much time on the computer, but has messaged us that she would like to get a hot shower and a few good meals, then return to Uganda.  I am thrilled she has made such a strong positive connection to these wonderful people.  Victoria emailed me that Arnold took to sleeping with Alicia when thunderstorms and a leaky roof kept him up at night, and the two are now inseparable.  I hope the separation is not too traumatic for him.

I have edited some of the existing photos on this blog, and added more below.  I am also updating and adding to the portrait page.  Check the links on the home page for new Youtube videos.  I will blog a little bit, but mostly will add pictures over the next few days.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Alicia snuggles with Don

the kids enjoy sucker treats

everyone's head is shaved to minimize care and problems with lice

happy music makers


Lydia, Arnold & Sandra

little ones' dorm

Victoria has donated a small space to an enterprising young carpenter who does work for BKU at a discount, with the understanding he will start paying rent after six months if his business thrives

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