Tuesday 28 January 2020

Day 4 - Friends old & new

Saturday starts off quiet.  Sue and I venture out for another walk in the neighbourhood, this time down to Sky Beach - a rather posh area which fronts on to a bay off Lake Victoria.  Some of the locals are very happy to pose for photos, and we pass an enterprising vendor reminiscent of the ice cream trucks back home.  He is a young lad on a bicycle with large plastic canister attached, and a small megaphone sending a musical summons to the adjoining yards.  Kids come running, and he doles out some shaved ice with flavouring (similar to snow cones back home).  Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of that curiosity.  We wonder where in heck he sources the ice, as we had a terrible time doing so in our previous visit.

sign announcing the BV party

a cow on the path to sky beach

one of the locals insists I get a photo of his pooch

We pass many, many children carrying jerry cans down towards the water, hauling it back to their homes in the intense heat.  This must be a daunting daily chore.  The grand estate homes at Sky Beach are all walled like fortresses, and appear quite out of place in this neighbourhood.  Jemima at Banana Village has organized a talent show with music, dancing, and comedic acts on the expansive lawn adjacent to the swimming pool.  There are dozens of chairs set up, and we pray that she gets the crowd which she anticipates.
bit of a phallic bloom on a plantain tree

we wonder how often these kids have to make the trip to haul water
a new fortress under construction on Sky Beach

Across the lawn from our cottage, some fellows are setting up a couple of grills to produce meat on skewers for the talent show attendees.  We wander over to check it out and we're amazed to recognize Joel, the former BV employee with whom we were very friendly.  He now cooks and sells the skewers as his business, and says he's doing quite well.

our old buddy Joel

meat on a stick - eat your heart out, Dan Fran!

Jackie arrives and settles in to her accommodation, then we are thrilled to greet Rose, who has made a 5 hour journey by motorcycle and van taxis with her 2 young kids.  She appears very well, and is obviously enjoying the challenges of her new job, which involves travel to remote hospitals in her district to monitor compliance with follow-up of newborns and new moms.

Anthony & Angel

Jackie enjoys some Anthony cuddles

 Angel, now 3 1/2, is as bright and beautiful as always.  She quickly warms to us again, much to Sue's delight.  Anthony is just over a year old and is inquisitive and busy.   Despite the weather turning cool-ish, we head to the pool.  I take Angel in for dips - she is originally wary but becomes braver as time goes by.  Meanwhile, Jackie continues her swimming practice and lessons.  BV has a new 20-yr old pool attendant by the name of Batte Baker, with whom we have become very friendly.  He gave assistance to many of our kids over the previous 2 days, and today coaches Jackie.

Jackie looks on while I help Angel enjoy the pool

Sue in her element

Baker gives Jackie some tips

everyone needs ice cream after a dip in the pool

Meanwhile, we are treated to views of dance and acrobatic acts, all to loudly broadcast recorded music.  This is followed by an animated pair of comedians who do a great job of engaging the audience.

BV gets quite a good turnout to their even

some visiting kids come to join us at the pool

the acrobat/dance troup pose with Jemima and VIPs for photos

the comedians are entertaining, even to those of us who don't understand Lugandan

There is a large religious group having a meeting in the dining hall, so we are served dinner in the smaller conference room.  Maggie, the former Bright Kids' social worker, arrives just in time for dinner with her son, Ian, who will turn 4 in April.  You may recall that Ian was previously terrified of us (someone had told him that mzungus will eat small children), and we are very happy to discover that he is no longer afraid.  Maggie has been raising pigs while still putting out resumes for social work jobs.

Baker from the pool has joined us for dinner at our invitation, and Joshua and Nelson (another BV employee) sit down after dinner to share some drinks and stories.  We are lucky enough to connect with our daughter, Sarah, by video chat, and everyone gushes over our sweet grandkids, Ellie & Jack.


By the time the conversation turns to religion, we realize it is probably time for bed, but we can't help sharing one last beverage with Jackie on our hut doorstep while she opens up about some of her family of origin hardships.  We all retire to bed very tired.

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