Tuesday 24 June 2014

Day 4 - Kampala again

For once we awaken to a clear day without rain.  Thankfully the dirt roads are starting to dry.

Cold shower, quick breakfast, then off to the clinic where I found Arnold still feeling quite under the weather with fever and lethargy.  Dr. Durga suggests we perform a malaria screen.
Rose & Arnold

Sad to see Arnold feeling under the weather

Rose & Moses have a laugh administering his meds

We review our shopping list of medical supplies for the clinic and await the arrival of the BKU van.  I take the short walk to the little kids' dorm to find Sue, Jeffrey & Alicia busy producing artistic embellishments to the freshly painted room.  They all appear to be having fun, supervised by Angel.

Jovan says he's ready to work
Victoria & Sue inspect the work

Alicia & Jeffrey offer advice

Finally Sue adds an artistic touch

At last Kevin is ready to depart driving the van to Kampalla. Durga stays behind to watch Arnold |& Sanyu while Rose, I, and the other 2 doctors (Vasu & Sreeramalu) bundle in the van.  The highway is predictably busy, and we pass through the parish where Kevin was born and also the one where he grew up.  With his guidance I realize that Kampala is actually separated into neighbourhood regions which include woodworking, metalworking, vehicle repair, banking, etc.

Kampala street scenes

We return to the pharmacy I visited last time and put in our order for medications and testing supplies.  Sreeramalu begins chatting with the young pharmacist.  It turns out that they are from the same county in India and know of each other’s families.  They get along so famously that the pharmacist invites our physician companion to visit his house for dinner in 2 days’ time.
Vasu & Kevin survey the busy street outside

Sreeramalu & the pharmacist reminisce about India

This young man has contrived a sharpening stone rotated by the bicycle pedals
The van has been parked in a ¼ acre lot and by the time we return, it has been boxed in by several other vehicles.  The attendant searches through a jumble of 50 or so keys that are piled on a chair, eventually locates the ones he needs, then starts the slow process of shuffling vehicles in extremely tight quarters.  We wonder out back and view a large stadium.  The grounds are occupied only by the peculiar large birds I have noticed before in Entebbe.
Parking lot attendant rummages through keys

BKU van is hemmed in

lonely stadium guarded by birds
We then visit a large modern shopping mall on Jinja Road.  The “Game” store is one level encompassing groceries, stationary, electronic items, and much else.  We pick up some juice and Bailey’s for Sue’s morning tea, then amble over to electronics.  The ink cartridges for the Samsung printer in Victoria’s office are pricey – about $80 USD equivalent for each of the 4 units (black plus 3 colours).

By now Kevin is getting calls from Victoria who is wanting the van to make a visit to one of the schools, but everyone is getting hungry so we do stop for lunch on the way back to BKU.  Freedom city is a moderate-size multi-story shopping mall that is still being expanded.  We check out an Indian food restaurant, but my companions dismiss it.  Wonder into the “Tasty Chicken” to find Leonard, Pauline & Alex, their driver, enjoying lunch.  We join them and exchange stories.  We take advantage of the 2 for 1 pizza special, then quickly head off because Victoria has phoned once again.

the exterior of Freedom City appears to have the nose of a 747 jet emerging - somewhat of a disconcerting image

the interior of the mall is very clean & modern

Rose poses for Kevin's camera while Vasu & Sreeramalu look on

Leonard tells an animated story to Alex, Kevin & Rose while we await lunch in Tasty Chicken
Unfortunately, due to miscommunication, Sue & Alicia have been cooling their heels for 1.5 hours awaiting the van’s return.  Kevin from Virginia and Mike from Indiana arrived at Banana Village a couple of days previously.  Kevin incorporates magic tricks to engage special needs children in occupational therapy exercises.  Mike is also involved in training special needs teachers, and they will be visiting schools and also helping build a school during their stay.  Kevin sponsors Eddy, one of the BKU kids who attends boarding school at Kennedy Secondary, which is about a 15 minute drive from BKU.  Susan has made plans to tag along on his visit so we can connect with Silvia and Liz.  Silvia is sponsored by Sue’s cousins from Cochrane, Joanne & Keith, and Liz is sponsored by another cousin, Shannon & Russ.
storefront in the little village outside Kennedy
We stop at a shop along the way to pick up juice packs and treats to bring along to the kids.  Angel attended Kennedy school years ago, so when the gatekeeper threatens to turn us away for being late, Angel breezes by him and marches in to speak with Gord, her former schoolmate who is now headmaster.  Needless to say, we are allowed passage.
Kevin & Mike discuss treats for the kids with Jackie

Jeffrey guards the store entrance while Alicia & her mom shop

store interior

interesting mural outside the school gate
The grounds of the school are very attractive and the buildings seem well-maintained.  We meet Silvia in a central courtyard area.  She is a delightful girl who unfortunately is presently fighting cold symptoms.  She’s in her senior level 2 year, so studies 15 subjects and has 4 years to complete secondary school.  Says she enjoys her studies and also likes sports.  Unfortunately, Liz has the tremendous good fortune to be away on a 3 day school tour of western Uganda, so we will need to return another day to see her.  While touring the school grounds on Silvia’s arm, we meet other Bright Kids Rita, Jalia & Said Ssene.  They are all wonderful individuals and thrilled to death to see Alicia once more.  We’re amazed to be shown a nearly-completed swimming pool.  Jeffrey has a summer business in Lindsay teaching kids to swim, and we can see the wheels turning as he contemplates spending a summer in Uganda using his talents.
awaiting Silvia

Kennedy classroom


Jalia introduces herself

Jalia, Alicia, Sue & Silvia

Jeff's future classroom?

touring the school grounds

Rita is a beautiful girl

Jalia, Alicia, Silvia, Jeffrey & Rita

Said Ssene asked to pose with "Dr. Alan"

Kevin gives Eddy a final hug
Kevin has also made a very strong connection to Eddy, so we are all very happy as we settle into the restaurant in Entebbe afterwards and order pizza which beats the quality of Tasty Chicken hands down.
happy faces awaiting pizza

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