Tuesday 22 January 2019

Magic Bus

Friday we awaken to overcast skies and cool temperatures, and we fear our planned pool day with the kids my be spoiled.  Davis arrives with a minibus and we pick up some pop and other supplies for the kids at the mall.  By the time we make our first stop to pick up Sandra & Marjorie, the weather is back to sunny & warm.  Altogether, we have 17 kids on board heading into Banana Village by early afternoon.  These include Sandra, Marjorie, Shakirah, Jonathan, Abraham, Hasifa, Sarah, Hassan, Moses, Cutie, Shaturah, Saleh, Charlotte, Maurice, Solomon, Jackson & Brenda.

Jackie & Nick jump off in Kabona (the little village outside Banana Village) to order fresh-cooked Rolexes (egg & veggies cooked & rolled in a chapati), then walk the short distance to deliver them, still hot, to the eager kids who by now have checked into their dorm rooms and settled poolside in their bathing costumes.  We’re amazed and very pleased to see how comfortable our kids have become in the water now.  Jackson is a strong swimmer, and Shakirah is also very comfortable.  All the older girls practice their strokes at the shallow end, and the younger kids frolic in the kiddy pool.  Solomon and Charlotte stay in the water until their teeth are chattering and they’re well waterlogged.

Marjorie & Sarah tend to Alicia's hairstyle




Sue engages in deep discussion with Jemimah, owner of BV



Saleh in his new jacket


Marjorie fixes Sandra's hair for dinner

Shaturah & Hasifa



Cutie & Hassan

Joshua & the BV kitchen staff have prepared a delicious feast of roasted chicken, rice, potatoes, sauce, pineapple, tomatoes, and a veggie dish including ocra.  The kids are delighted with everything except the veggies, and everyone’s tummy is full by the time we retire to the small conference room.  The kids seem totally engrossed in the second Harry Potter movie, and the only sound to be heard is the munching of popcorn.

Saturday morning we all enjoy a warm breakfast of omelets and sausages, following which, Alan submits all the kids to vision screening.  Hassan is discovered to be significantly nearsighted, and a couple of the others have milder deficiency of distant vision, so Jackie promises to take those three to an eye clinic.  After some lawn gymnastics, the kids persuade us to delay Davis’ pick-up in favour of another dip in the pool.

The boys await the girls' arrival for breakfast

re-energized for some crazy frolicking on the BV lawn

Abraham looking pensive


Alicia does some spotting

Nick joins in on a football match

Saleh back in the water

getting more comfortable in the big pool


Brenda gives Charlotte a ride


Sue's idea of bringing a Jenga game turns out to be brilliant

Alexandrai enjoys a sucker

Davis' neice, Maria, also joins for the zoo visit

Sarah works to mesmerize young Alexandria



Davis has brought along his young daughter, Alexandria, with whom Sarah quickly bonds.  The two are inseparable for the remainder of the day.  The drive to the zoo takes us by some elegant new hotels and malls in Entebbe.  A kind guide provides information about the animals including chimpanzees, baboons, elephant, giraffes, zebras, hyenas, buffaloes, parrots, cheetahs, crocodiles, otters, snakes, and, of course, lions.  We decide to shell out 5,000 shillings for each of the younger children to romp in the zoo playground, and they burn off tons of energy on the swings, climbing apparatus, slides, trampoline, and bouncy slide.  Nick advises us of his decision to sponsor young Hassan, who is overjoyed to the point of tears.  It’s incredibly endearing to know how this generous action will transform this boy’s life.  Rose and Maggie arrive to join us with Angel and Ian in tow.  Sue & Alicia fight over who will be privileged to hold dear baby Anthony.

our invasion force unloads at the zoo

Shaturah checks out the donation box

all those crazy animal bones

it seems strange to see a camel in such a lush environment

looking for lions



the girls hang out in the shade


nurse Rose

beautiful Angel

Alicia temporarily wins the battle for baby Anthony

Jackie & Rose

Sarah & Alexandria

Hassan is overjoyed to have Nick as his sponsor


Moses doing backflips


Hassan & Nick

Next we stop at Victoria Mall and retire to the lower level with buckets of chicken, boxes of fries and some large sodas.  The kids enjoy their first elevator ride!

feasting at Victoria Mall

bittersweet final hugs

With heavy hearts we hug and say our last good-byes to each of these beautiful children as they board the bus.  True to form, Charlotte has given up her stubborn reticence over the course of our visit and once again attached herself to Dr. Alan, and she happily rides on his lap for the short drive to BV where the Canadians are dropped off, blowing kisses and waving farewell as the bus departs to return the children to their homes.

We spend many hours debriefing over beers, Bailey’s and chips.  This has once again been a tremendously emotional and satisfying visit.  Joshua insists he will meet us at the dining hall at 6:30 the next morning to prepare breakfast before our early start to our safari excursion.