Saturday 19 January 2013

Alicia's Intro

Hi, my name is Alicia Michelle Mills. I'm 17 years old. As you know from my dads first post we are going to Africa to work in the Bright Kids orphanage. I'm way too excited. We have been collecting medical supplies and fun stuff for the kids.

This is going to be the most amazing experience I will ever have. Even though mommy and my boyfriend Will won't be with us to share this experience I know they are happy for us and are pumped to see us live our dream.

As you know we will be posting hopefully during our travels and of course when we get home.
We are staying for two weeks...(I might stay a little longer if I feel comfortable) but I'm sure I will.

Please follow us and support this amazing journey.

Saturday 12 January 2013


I'm Alan and, together with my daughter Alicia, we wanted to document our experience in traveling to Uganda to volunteer at an orphanage.  We live in a small town in southern Ontario (Canada) and this will be our first trip to Africa.  We discovered the Bright Kids home through their website.  Do check it out.  We leave Feb. 23 which is approaching all too fast!

I am a family doctor nearing retirement.  I spent 20+ years doing family medicine but the past 7 years I've worked full-time in community addiction medicine, mostly treating opiate addiction.  I hope to bring some expertise to share with Victoria, the lady who operates the home, and Rose, the nurse who staffs their newly-opened on-site clinic.  I have to admit feeling a little daunted by the length of time since I've been treating children, and the much greater time since I studied tropical medicine.  I'm sure I will learn as much from Rose as she does from me!

Alicia will introduce herself.  We both enjoy photography and hope to post some interesting images during and after our trip.